The Business Master (4th Edition)
The Business Master - 4th Edition.iso
Text File
382 lines
Copyright Thumb Print Software 1993
All Rights Reserved
1570 Colwood Rd
Caro MI 48723-9630 USA
517-673-5482 2:00-7:00 PM EST/EDT Mon-Fri
These programs are provided on as "AS IS BASIS" . All risks are
with you the "USER". At no time will Thumb Print Software or
Duane J. Schnur be liable to you for any damages including any
lost profits, lost savings, or other incidental or consequential
damages arising out of the use or inability to use these programs.
Even if Thumb Print Software or Duane J. Schnur have been
advised of the possibility of such damages. You acknowledge that
you have read this agreement, understand it, and agree to be
bound by it's terms and conditions.
OverView -- 1
Minimum Requirements -- 1
Installing TPSBUD -- 1
Using TPSBUD -- 2
Add Category -- 2
Entering Values in the Grid Cells -- 2
Using the Duplicate Last Entry Function -- 3
Fill a Row -- 3
Using Erase Grid Value -- 3
Removing A Category from the Grid -- 3
Category - Monthly - Grand Totals -- 4
Save -- 4
New -- 4
Open a .BUD File -- 5
Using the Help Menu -- 5
Printing a Report -- 5
Registration Form -- 5
TPSBUD Specs -- 5
Documentation -- 6
Cloning a .BUD file -- 7
Page 1
What is TPSBUD?
TPSBUD is a monthly budget program. You enter Categories that
you want to keep a record of expenses in the Rows to the left of
the Grid. The Columns of the Grid are all ready labeled with the
months of the year Jan-Dec and Total. You simply select the Grid
Cell in the Category and month you want then either use the
calculator keys or the keyboard to enter the amount you spent on
the category.
The calculator keys allow you to Add To a Grid Cell or Subtract from
a Grid Cell. You can also Clear the Entry showing on the Calculator
There are 4 Pull Down Menu selections:
File -- with Open New Save Print Add Category Remove Category
Exit and Registration Form.
Options -- with Category Totals Monthly Totals Grand Total
Duplicate Last Entry Erase Grid Value
Help -- with Menu Help About TPSBUD
Documentation -- Read or Print the on-line manual
Each of the Pull Down Menu functions has a underscore key and
a Hot Key combo.
Minimum Requirements:
80386 running DOS 4 or higher
Windows 3.1 (probably will run under 3.0. The problem is 3.1
uses scalable TrueType Fonts. TPSBUD uses these
fonts 3.0 does not have this capability results on the
screen and especially in the Report Printout are very
2MB of RAM
An installed Windows Printer (for Report Printouts)
Installing TPSBUD:
Obviously if you are reading this you have successfully installed the
program disk. But; once again: From Program Manager select File
then select Run. Place the distribution diskette in the appropriate
floppy drive. In the dialog box type in: (Use the appropriate drive
letter. Using A: in this example)
Press Enter key to start the installation. Simply answer any
questions that appear on the screen. When Setup is finished you
will have files installed in your Window\System directory and a
directory created for TPSBUD.
Page 2
The screen consists of 4 sections and a Pull Down Menu Bar. The
Grid containing the category rows and month columns appear on
the upper right. The calculator screen and keys on the upper left.
A Shareware Info frame on the lower left. A Date frame on the
lower right.
When TPSBUD loads the Grid is empty. The first thing you will
want to do is Add Categories (Expense/Income) to the Grid:
Add Category:
Open the File Menu. (It is assumed you know how to open menus
and select menu items.) Select Add Category (tip you could also
press CTRL-A the hotkey). When the dialog box opens you will see
a text box with the flashing cursor. You have 2 buttons Accept and
Cancel. Type in a category name. For instance Mortgage (everyone
has one). Then press Accept. Mortgage will appear in the first row
column 1 of the Grid. Press CTRL-A to add another Category. This
time type in Electric and press Accept. You will now have 2
categories on the Grid, Mortgage and Electric. You enter Income
categories the same way. You can use the Hot Key F2 for Income.
Entering Values in the Grid Cells:
First you must select a Grid cell. You do this by clicking your mouse
on the cell you want. Click/select the Mortgage cell under Jan. You
can now enter a value into the calculator screen in one of 2 ways.
You can type the value in using the keyboard - OR click the
calculator keys with the mouse. For this example click the following
calculator keys: Click 2 Click 5 Click 0 Click . (period) Click 5
Click 0 The calculator screen should now read 250.50
Click the Add To calculator key. 250.50 will now appear in the
Mortgage Cell under Jan. Lets suppose that we entered an invalid
amount. We should have entered 240.50 instead of 250.50. What
we need to do is subtract 10.00 from the Mortgage Cell under Jan.
First make sure the Mortgage Cell under Jan is selected by
clicking on it. Now Click 1 Click 0 Click . (period) Click 0 Click 0
Click Subtract From. The value in the Mortgage Cell under Jan will
now read 240.50.
Select the Mortgage Cell under Feb. Enter the value 240.50 in the
calculator screen by clicking the calculator keys as in the example
above or use the keyboard. The screen will only respond to numbers
0 - 9 and the period. You cannot enter letters or other characters.
If you enter an incorrect value click Clear Entry and start again.
Once you have 240.50 entered in the calculator screen click Add To
240.50 will appear in the Mortgage Cell under Feb.
Page 3
Using the Duplicate Last Entry Function:
This function is very handy when you have a value that remains
constant for a range of cells such as our Mortgage payment.
Select the Mortgage Cell under Mar. Press CTRL-D (hot key for
the Options Menu selection Duplicate Last Entry). 240.50 will now
appear in the Mortgage Cell under Mar. Press the Right Arrow key
or Click the cell under Apr, either method will select the cell. Press
CTRL-D again. Keep doing this until the Cell under Dec contains
240.50. That finishes our Mortgage row.
Select the Jan Cell in the Electric row. Enter 125.87 in the
calculator screen the click Add To.
Using Fill Row:
Click any cell in the desired Category. Enter an amount in the
Calculator Screen. Select Fill Row from the Options Menu. The
cells Jan-Dec will be filled with this amount. Great for values
that do not change IE: Mortgages - Loans etc.
Using Erase Grid Value:
Make sure the Jan Cell in the Electric Row is selected. Press
CTRL-R (hotkey for the Options Menu selection Erase Grid Value).
The value of 125.87 will be erased. You may wonder why not
re-enter 125.87 and use the Subtract From key. This is much
quicker when you want to erase the entire value in a Cell.
Subtract From is used when you only want to reduce the value of
the Cell by a certain amount.
We are now going to Add 2 more categories.
Press CTRL-A type in Groceries select Accept
Press CTRL-A type in Gasoline select Accept
Your Grid Rows should now have:
(you can type in up to 13 letters as a Category Name)
Removing A Category From The Grid:
We are now going to remove one of the categories from the Grid
namely Groceries. Select any cell in the Category Groceries. Press
CTRL-V. You will receive a warning message that removing this
Category you will loose it and all of it's values. Press Accept. In a
few seconds the Category Groceries will be removed and Gasoline
will move up to fill the empty row.
2 other functions occurred automatically when you removed the
Groceries Category. After the Category was removed and Gasoline
moved up to take its row TPSBUD made a call to the Monthly
Totals and Grand Total functions. We haven't used these functions
yet. The reason they were automatically called was if you would
have had values in the totals they would have been incorrect with
the removal of a Category.
Page 4
Before we use the 3 Totals functions add several values to the
Electric Category and Gasoline Category in various cells. Once you
have added some values press the END key. You will now be at
the extreme right side of the Grid. Press the PgUp key until the
far right Column reads Total. You will see there are no totals in any
of the Categories.
Press the PgDn key until you are at the bottom of the Grid. (There
is room for 45 Categories). in the bottom far right cell should be the
Grand Total which was calculated when we removed the Groceries
Category. Now press the HOME key to get to the far left side of
the Grid. You should see Monthly Totals under each month. These
were also calculated when we removed the Groceries Category.
If you added values in the Electric and Gasoline Categories as
directed above all these totals should be inaccurate. Do the
Category - Monthly - Grand Totals:
Press CTRL-C (hotkey for Category Totals)
Press CTRL-M (hot key for Monthly Totals)
Press CTRL-G (hot key for Grand Totals)
Press the PgUp key until you see all the Categories you inputted
appear in the left side of the Grid. Press the END key to get to the
right side of the Grid. You should now see all the Category totals.
Press the HOME key to get to the left side of the Grid.
Press the PgDn key until the Monthly Totals appear.
Press the END key to see the Grand Total for the year.
You now have a working idea how to use the Monthly Budget
program. There are 6 functions left under the FILE Menu.
Save Function:
Press CTRL-S (hotkey for Save). The .BUD file will be automatically
saved to disk.
New Function:
Press CTRL-N (hotkey for New).
A dialog box will open. Type in a name for the new .BUD file in
this example type in TEST and select accept. If the current .BUD
file has changed since being loaded will cause a warning message
to appear telling you that the file has changed and do you want
to save the changes to disk before creating a new file. Answer Yes
to save the changes No to disregard the changes. This message
will only occur if you make changes and have not saved these
changes to disk.
Page 5
Watch the bottom of the screen the Current File will change to
TEST.BUD, also the Grid will be completely cleared of any
Categories and values. You will have a new Grid with which to
work. So that we can try out the Open function press CTRL-S to
save this .BUD file.
Open A .BUD File:
Press CTRL-O (hotkey for Open). A list box will appear with all the
.BUD files appearing in the directory. In this case you will see the
default .BUD file and the current .BUD file. Click on the default
.BUD file (the one with the year in the name). Now click OK , the
file we originally created will now be loaded into the Grid.
Using The Help Menu:
By pressing F1 the Help Menu will Open. You may select any of the
functions for which you want Help. The Help is not context
sensitive. To close the Help Menu select Close Menu.
Printing a Report:
Press CTRL-P (hotkey for Print A Report). TPSBUD will now
construct a report in memory that will be sent to the installed
and active Windows Printer. Any problems will display an error
message. The report will be printed using the Courier New
TrueType font. That is why you need Windows 3.1 to print the
report. I do not know what would happen if you use Windows 3.0.
Registration Form:
Press CTRL-F (hotkey for the Registration Form). A fill in the
blanks Registration Form will appear. Of course I hope you will
register TPSBUD. As you can see the cost is more than fair. $7.00
maximum in the USA (MI residents $.28 sales tax) to $9.00 if you
live in a foreign country (Canada $8.00).
Registration will get you a copy of Thumb Print Software's TP-ET.
This is a very easy to use and very powerful Electric Typewriter
program for DOS. The small registration fee is well worth the cost
to get TP-ET. Registration also encourages me to improve upon
Maximum Expense Categories: 45
Maximum Income Categories: 5
Maximum letters in a Category Name: 13
To large of an inputted value in a Grid will evoke a message.
Page 6
This is a new Menu selection since TPSBUD was originally written.
I had the .DOC file load and print with a separate program called
BUDDOC.EXE. I made more since to make the on-line manual
available in TPSBUD rather than a separate program; besides it
saves disk space this way.
The Documentation screen has 2 Command Buttons. Close will take
you back to the main screen (The Grid). Print will send the
manual to the installed active Windows Printer. Just be sure your
printer is on and on-line.
2 New Functions:
The person that did the Beta testing thought it would be a
more powerful program if one could include Income along with
the Expenses for the month. I thought this was a great idea so
room for 5 Income Categories was added. You manipulate these
Categories just as you would the Expense Categories. Below the
line of INCOME INCOME etc is where you enter your Income Categories.
When you use the Total functions the Expense and Income Categories
will be Totaled separately on their own Total Line. The same
applies to the Report Print Out.
Page 7
Cloning a .BUD file (late added feature)
At the end of a year you can create a new .BUD file for the next
year with the same Category names as the current file. This
added function saves you from having to type in all the Category
Expense/Income in a new .BUD file so you can continue in a
new year. You are asked for a file name for the new file then
it is created with all the om having to type in all the Category
Expense/Income in a new .BUD file so you can continue in a
new year. You are asked for a file name for the new file then
it is created with all the Category names but; all values in the
cells are zeroed. The new .BUD file contains only the Category
names, not the values from the current file.
End of Documentation